Punctuality and Octoberfest: Germany for beginners

Termin speichern
Datum: Freitag, 21. Oktober 2022
Zeit: 14:00 - 16:00

Hüfferstraße 27


Room B 023

Kontakt: Karolin Boom M.A. (karolin.boomfh-muensterde)
Kategorien: Aktuelles für Studierende, Architektur (Bildungsinstitut), B.A. Betriebswirtschaft, B.A. CALA, B.A. EBP, B.Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik, Bauingenieurwesen, Berufliche Lehrerbildung, Chemieingenieurwesen, Design, Elektrotechnik und Informatik, Energie · Gebäude · Umwelt, M.A. Accounting und Finance, M.A. International Marketing and Sales, M.Sc. Logistik, M.Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik, Maschinenbau, Nachhaltigkeit, Oecotrophologie · Facility Management, Physikingenieurwesen, Sozialwesen, Sozialwesen Internationales, Studium, Terminkalender FH, Wirtschaft, Wirtschaftsinformatik

This workshop will be held in English language.

How do I address a professor? How does waste separation work? For international students, the first months in Germany can be challenging and full of uncertainties. Not only do they have to deal with a foreign academic tradition, but there are also many new things to consider in the everyday life. 

In this workshop a general insight into the German culture, the social "framework", the behaviour as well as the German work mentality will be given. German clichés as well as possible "faux pas" will be addressed and how to avoid them. After the training, participants will have an overview of the cultural differences between Germany and their home countries and how they manifest themselves.


  • Training of intercultural competence
  • Dealing with the (direct) German communication style
  • Conveying the most important values with regard to thinking, acting and feeling in the German culture
  • Analysis of different German cultural dimensions

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