Dekanat und Prüfungsamt Chemieingenieurwesen

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montags bis freitags von 8:00 - 12:00 Uhr und
dienstags bis donnerstags von 13:30 - 16:30 Uhr
(entfällt in der Vorlesungsfreien Zeit)

Dekanat: Raum 218 (über Raum 216 erreichbar)
Tel: 02551 9-62193
Fax: 02551 9-62711

Prüfungsamt: Raum 216
Tel: 02551 9-62191 oder -62192
Fax: 02551 9-62711

Sprechstunde Prüfungsausschuss:

Bitte kontaktieren Sie Herrn Prof. Wäsche per E-Mail unter waeschefh-muensterde

Ämter am Fachbereich

Hier finden Sie Kontakt zu Studien- und Fachbereichsbeiräten, Vertrauenspersonen und mehr.

Tutor*innen und Mentor*innen

Kontakt für Bachelorstudierende

Kontakt für Masterstudierende

Dear all, My name is Thomas and I am getting into my fourth semester of my master studies in chemical engineering at FH Münster. I was born in Poland, but I grew up in Germany in the south, near Freiburg im Breisgau. After completing my bachelors at FH Münster in November of 2021 and spending nearly a year in Berlin, I came back to Münster in March of 2022 to start my masters degree. In my free time I love to do sports and keeping myself active, doing meditation or yoga, making art as well as producing music. Having a balance to being a student, especially in a programme of chemical engineering, is important to keep yourself mentally healthy. After a semester abroad at the Universidad de Valencia, I am back in Münster. With that comes a new position as the mentor for international students in the Master of Chemical Engineering. Therefore as a mentor, my job may help you in a couple of regards. This could for example be concerns regarding the labs or exams, registration for exams or courses, administrative things, questions about living in Münster or in Steinfurt, or whatever is on your mind and could be a concern to you. I can communicate with you in English, Spanish, Polish or German. It is important to have an easy start in Germany, so please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail: tm276472fh-muensterde

I'll be happy hearing from you and eventually, see you in the future. All the best, Thomas


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