
Arendt, R., Bach, V., Finkbeiner, M. (2022): "Environmental costs of abiotic resource demand for the EU's low-carbon development". In: Resources, Conservation and Recycling: 106057.

Lenk, C., Arendt, R., Bach, V., Finkbeiner, M. (2021): "Territorial-Based vs. Consumption-Based Carbon Footprint of an Urban District-A Case Study of Berlin-Wedding". In: Sustainability 13(13): 7262.

Arendt, R., Bachmann, T. M., Motoshita, M., Bach, V., Finkbeiner M. (2020): "Comparison of Different Monetization Methods in LCA: A Review"In: Sustainability 12(24): 10493.

Arendt, R., Muhl, M., Bach, V., Finkbeiner, M. (2020): "Criticality Assessment of Abiotic Resource Use for Europe-Application of the SCARCE Method"In: Resources Policy 67 (August): 101650.

Studentische Arbeiten


Carraro, C. (2021): "Comparative LCA for the analysis of rainwater management processes: the case of Herne". (Masterarbeit) Berlin: TU Berlin.

Lenk, C. C. (2020):"Territorial-based vs Consumption-based Carbon Footprint of Cities - Case Study of Berlin Wedding". (Masterarbeit) Berlin: TU Berlin.

Laufende Masterarbeiten:

Lange A. L.G. (2021): "Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Sanitation System Scenarios for Two Urban Districts in Herne (Germany): A Case Study"(Masterarbeit) Berlin: TU Berlin.

Quest, G. (2021): "Ökobilanzfallstudie für verschiedene Energieversorgungs-Szenarien für zwei Stadtquartiere in Herne"(Masterarbeit) Berlin: TU Berlin.

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