Philipp Damwerth

Fachbereich Wirtschaft


Strategien und Strukturen plattformbasierter Ökosysteme

Foto von Philipp Damwerth

Publikationen: Damwerth, Philipp

2023 | 2022


Philipp Damwerth, Norbert Bach, Wolfgang Buchholz Build to last: An analysis of the impact of founding conditions on ecosystem emergence
Philipp Damwerth, Norbert Bach, Wolfgang Buchholz, Maria-Ana Rosculete Collective dynamic capabilities in innovation ecosystems - an analysis of the multi-actor process


Philipp Damwerth, Norbert Bach, Wolfgang Buchholz Ecosystem Emergence and Founding Conditions - Lessions Learned from an Imprinting Perspective
Philipp Damwerth, Norbert Bach, Wolfgang Buchholz Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Contrast: An Integrative Framework on Types and their Salient Characteristics

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