Center for Real Estate & Organization Dynamics

Corrensstraße 25, 48149 Münster, Raum: C419

Tel: 0251 83-65417
Fax: 0251 83-65402


Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet: BWL, insbesondere Unternehmensführung

Prof. Dr. Frank Lattuch

Publikationen: Lattuch, Frank

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2011


C. Neffe, C.P.M. Wilderom, F. Lattuch Family firm performance through transformational CEO leadership and familiness-related team forces
F. Lattuch, Führung interdisziplinärer Teams: Ergebnisorientiertes Handeln in komplexen Situationen


A. Dedden, F. Lattuch, C. P. M. Wilderom Effectively changing intra-organizational behaviors for environmental performance
F. Lattuch, C. Schlicht, P. Dankert Shaping the organizational learning strategy through customer journey mapping: Insights from shopping mall operators


C. Neffe, C. P. M. Wilderom, F. Lattuch Emotionally intelligent top management and high family firm performance: Evidence from Germany
F. Lattuch, E. Ruppert Human resources, organizational learning and due diligence: Avoiding the honeymoon hangover effect in mergers and acquisitions
S. C. Lind, F. Lattuch Trust, leadership and conflict: The impact of HR practices during family firm M&As


F. Lattuch Building innovation capabilities through human resources practices
S. C. Lind, F. Lattuch M&As in family firms: keeping trust in the equation


C. Neffe, C. P. M. Wilderom, F. Lattuch Family-Firm Transformational Leadership, Familiness, and Performance
F. Lattuch, R. B. Hickey From intention to action: An organizational learning case of implementing Building Information Modeling
C. Neffe, C. P. M. Wilderom, F. Lattuch Leader behaviour of family and non-family executives in German family firms
F. Lattuch Sustaining family-firm innovation through value and process principles


F. Lattuch Family firm innovation strategy: contradictions and tradition
Carolin Neffe, Celeste P. M. Wilderom, Frank Lattuch Family-Firm Transformational Leadership, Familiness and Performance: A Four-Path Mediation Model
Carolin Neffe, Celeste P. M. Wilderom, Frank Lattuch Is German family firm performance affected by CEO and TMT behavior and emotional intelligence?


C. Neffe, F. Lattuch Behavior of successful family and non-family executives in German family firms
F. Lattuch, P. Dankert The glue that holds an organization together: Building organizational vision with top-management teams
A. Piroos, C. Neffe, F. Lattuch The way we work: Linking market orientation with internal workplace solutions


F. Lattuch, A. Seifert, M. Weigert Determinanten effektiver Implementierung von Shared Services: Eine personalwirtschaftliche Perspektive
F. Lattuch, A. Seifert Insights from change management consulting: Linking the hard and soft side of change with heuristics


T. Bernhold, F. Lattuch, F. Riemenschneider Success dimensions for major real estate projects: The case of stadium development


F. Lattuch, R. Pech, J. Weigert Market and technology drivers: Shaping the innovation strategy
F. Lattuch, M. Weigert Trugschlüsse im Change Management: Warum Unternehmenstransformationen so häufig scheitern


F. Lattuch, S. Young Young professionals perceptions toward organizational change

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