Being international - working local

Termin speichern
Datum: Dienstag, 24. Oktober 2023
Zeit: 15:00 - 16:00

Campus Steinfurt - Hörsaal S1

Kontakt: Dipl.-Region.-Wiss. Sarah Schönfelder (schoenfelderta.fh-muensterde)
Kategorien: Aktuelles für Studierende, Career Service, Chemieingenieurwesen, Elektrotechnik und Informatik, Energie · Gebäude · Umwelt, Forschung & Transfer, Institut für Technische Betriebswirtschaft, International Office, Maschinenbau, Physikingenieurwesen, Studium

Are you an international student and thinking about starting a career in Germany?

There are many obstacles to overcome on the way into the labour market. The EU-project INTERLOCALITY supports international students of FH Münster through a qualified and guided process called “International Talent Journey” into the German job market – either for a side job, an internship, a thesis or a qualified job after graduation. In this session, you will receive information about the project and how you can participate.

Sarah Schönfelder - TAFH Münster GmbH

Nadine Pantel - International Office

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